Frequently Asked Questions

As a Store Manager, you need a minimum of 2 assistant managers. You may hire a third assistant if you wish. The total number allowed is 3 assistant managers.

Yes, assistant managers can be replaced in a specific store, if need be, as per GreenDays code of conduct.

There is no limit to the number of stores for those entrepreneurs wishing to build a chain of GreenDays stores.


We are all growing our network of GreenDays stores, providing professional services to strengthen our buying power from manufacture supply sources, in preparation for our amazing initial product launches. Stay tuned.

Each store is limited to 9 customers. However, there is no limit to the number of Retail Customers you will attract once retail products are launched.

It’s your store. However, as with any business, it is highly recommended you establish consistency of store hours and date availability for order taking.

Note: Goals for your GreenDays Stores are entirely up to you and your team. Your purpose and commitment to yourself and others will decide.

Example: Do you want your GreenDays Store(s) to help feed 1,000 families per month, or 5,000? Do your partners want to earn $800 per week, $3,000 or more? These are important discussions to have with your partners and customers.

Either way, GreenDays is very appreciative of your participation, vision and compassion for others. Providing a helping hand and tangible support for those in our communities, need to know, they aren’t alone. Thank you.

GreenDays has budgeted up to 27 percent of profits dedicated to our Meal Distribution Programs. Donations are generated from each and every order from Store Managers.

Yes. Professional service fee rates may be increased, and terms may be altered, upon written permission from GreenDays. Terms of current accomplishments, value added service availability and consistent meals generated may be part of the consideration process, should you wish to increase your Professional Services hourly rate.

Yes, failure to do so will result in immediate termination for all parties involved, possible litigation, and any future rights to operate a GreenDays store, as this is core to the meal generation process.

Email your inquiry and introductory letter of qualifications and interest to We will contact you and arrange an initial interview meeting.

Email an introductory letter, including product benefits and pricing models to We will contact you and arrange an initial meeting.

This is a very common way to begin, as it’s fun helping and building something special together, with someone you trust.

Another thought, is to open a GreenDays Store together and each choose 1 Assistant Manager. Though you split the profits, you also split the tasks. Should you wish to build a GreenDays chain of stores, this might be a prudent option.

Excellent question. Keep it simple. Select 2 assistants within your first week. Once they’re registered, you’ll become a store manager. Choose people you’d like to work with, who are excited to help the food banks and to earn extra income at the same time. Their commitment will ensure you earn $1000+ every week, and that food banks will receive 350 meals each week.

Ensuring that your customers are profitable each week, guarantees your weekly residual income.